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When I first started growing vegetables, I was as green as they come. Seeing other people's balconies lush with greenery while looking at my own wilted plants was truly disheartening. Later I realized that growing vegetables isn't just about throwing some seeds and adding water - choosing the right location and preparing proper soil are absolutely crucial.
To be honest, my first attempt at growing vegetables was a complete disaster. After renting a new apartment, I thought growing vegetables would be easy since the balcony was spacious. Without much thought, I randomly grabbed a pot, filled it with some soil dug up from the ground, and started planting. The results were predictable - the seedlings grew small and yellow, looking malnourished and pitiful.
After two years of trial and error and countless mistakes, I finally found some success. Now my small balcony is thriving with cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and green peppers, all growing wonderfully. Today I'll share my experience with you, hoping to help you avoid some common pitfalls.
Location Selection
Choosing the right location is truly an art. When I first started, I thought the corner of the balcony was perfect since it was empty, so I stuffed all my plant pots there. The result? After coming home exhausted from work, I'd just collapse on the couch and wouldn't bother checking on them. By the time I remembered to look, the plants were completely dried out.
I learned my lesson and moved the garden to face the living room windows. Now I can monitor the plants while lounging on the couch with my phone. When leaves start wilting, I water them immediately; when I spot bugs, I handle them right away - naturally, the plants grow better.
Sunlight is crucial. Most vegetables need at least 6 hours of sunlight daily, otherwise they become undernourished. Now I always observe the sunlight conditions before planting. On a sunny day, starting from 8 AM, I check the intended planting spot every two hours and note in my phone when there's sunlight.
Take my balcony for example - through observation, I discovered the east side gets sun from 8 AM to 2 PM, while the west side only gets 3 hours of diffused light due to the opposite building's shadow. This revealed the perfect spot for growing vegetables.
Ventilation is another factor in location selection. My balcony has windows on both ends, providing excellent air circulation. If your ventilation isn't great, make sure to leave enough space around the plant containers so air can flow freely, otherwise you risk pest and disease problems.
Soil Configuration
The soil component is fascinating. Initially clueless, I thought any soil would do. After repeated experiments, I finally found a good formula: one-third garden soil, one-third leaf mold, and one-third worm castings.
Let me explain these three soil types. Garden soil is regular planting soil, readily available at garden markets and affordable. Leaf mold comes from decomposed leaves, rich in organic matter - I collect fallen leaves from parks to make my own. Worm castings are particularly interesting, being worm digestive products that are not only high in organic matter but also easily absorbed by plants.
What makes this formula great? Garden soil provides a firm structure to support plant roots; leaf mold is loose and airy, good for water and nutrient retention; worm castings are natural organic fertilizer with comprehensive nutrients. Mixed in proper proportions, these three create a "five-star nutritional package" for plants.
I also discovered a useful tool - a soil pH tester. Most vegetables prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil, with pH values between 6.5 and 7.0. This device costs just a few dollars and instantly shows soil acidity when inserted.
If the soil is too acidic, I add some lime powder; if too alkaline, I add sulfur powder. Now my soil mix grows all vegetables exceptionally well.
After each crop, the soil needs to "rest." I like to sow green manure like alfalfa or rye grass during this time. These plants grow quickly with extensive root systems, not only fixing soil nutrients but also preventing erosion. When they flower, I turn them into the soil for natural fertilizer.
I did this last autumn. By spring planting time, the soil was black, loose, and crumbly - perfect for vigorous plant growth.
Container Selection
When it comes to growing containers, there are many options. I've tried everything from plastic pots to wooden boxes, even used fruit crates. After multiple attempts, I found rectangular planters over 30 centimeters deep work best.
Why these? First, they're deep enough for root development. Second, their large surface area allows growing multiple vegetables. Third, drainage is convenient - just drill some holes at the bottom and add a layer of gravel or clay pellets to prevent water logging.
I currently use modified wooden boxes, painted with preservative on the outside and lined with waterproof fabric inside. They're both eco-friendly and practical, looking as good as new after two years. If DIY seems too troublesome, there are many ready-made planters available in the market.
Planting Techniques
Planting seems simple but has many nuances. First is planting depth - generally, seed size determines planting depth. For example, Chinese cabbage seeds are tiny, so they're just scattered on the soil surface with a thin soil cover; cucumber seeds need to be planted deeper, about 2 centimeters.
When planting, I prefer to thoroughly water the soil first, then plant when the surface is semi-dry. This prevents seeds from floating or rotting. After planting, I gently water with a spray bottle to avoid washing away the seeds.
Another tip is covering seeds with agricultural film or plastic wrap. This maintains moisture and temperature, making germination easier. Once seedlings break through the soil, remove the cover.
Watering and Fertilizing
Regarding watering, I've made many mistakes before. Either over-watering thinking plants needed more, or forgetting to water for days until they dried out. Now I test by sticking my finger in the soil - water if it feels dry, leave it if moist.
Watering is best done in the morning or evening when temperatures are moderate and water evaporates less quickly. Using a spray bottle is better than a hose - the gentler flow won't disturb the soil.
Fertilizing also requires attention. I mainly use organic fertilizers like worm castings and bone meal. Chemical fertilizers work faster but can burn roots if overused. Organic fertilizers are slower but longer-lasting and better for both soil and plants.
Always be careful with fertilizer amounts - better to apply less more frequently than too much at once. I typically apply a light fertilizer every two weeks to maintain balanced soil fertility.
Daily Management
Growing vegetables requires patience and daily observation of plant growth. Check for yellowing or wilting leaves, pest problems, and address issues promptly.
I label each planter with planting date and variety name. This helps with record-keeping and learning from experience - knowing which varieties grow best in which seasons guides future planting.
Pruning requires skill. For vining vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers, remove excess side shoots to promote main stem growth. Remove old yellow leaves from leafy vegetables - they're unsightly and can harbor pests and diseases.
Pest and Disease Control
Initially, I panicked when facing pests and diseases. Now I'm smarter and focus on prevention. This includes proper spacing for ventilation and regularly checking leaf undersides for early pest detection.
I prefer using natural solutions like artemisia and garlic skin water spray - environmentally friendly and effective. Only in severe cases do I consider biological pesticides, always following instructions strictly.
Harvesting and Storage
Watching your vegetables grow is incredibly satisfying. Harvest preferably in morning or evening when vegetables are most water-rich and at peak quality.
Process harvested vegetables promptly. Eat what you can fresh, properly store the rest. I typically wash vegetables clean, drain well, then store in plastic bags in the refrigerator for longer preservation.
Experience Summary
Growing vegetables becomes more interesting with time. Seeing a lush garden daily improves mood. Remember, patience is key - good things take time.
Choosing the right location and preparing proper soil are fundamental. Then observe carefully and accumulate experience. Don't be discouraged by failures - I learned through many failed attempts too.
Finally, growing vegetables not only provides fresh produce but also brings satisfaction. Watching plants grow from seeds to harvest creates an irreplaceable sense of achievement.
That's all for today's sharing. Next time we'll discuss specific growing methods for common vegetables, including seedling techniques and growth management. Let's improve together on our gardening journey!